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Robotics Australia Group

We are an incorporated, not-for-profit organisation set-up to create a sustainable and internationally-competitive robotics industry here in Australia.

Our Vision

We are committed to building a sustainable robotics industry in Australia by supporting the entire robotics ecosystem, from the companies building robots to those researching and developing new technologies, robotics educators and enthusiasts, and the companies looking to adopt robots and robotics-related technologies.

What's the difference?

You may have heard our organisation referred to as both the Robotics Australia Group and the Robotics Australia Network - so, why the need for two names?

In short, the Robotics Australia Group is the umbrella term we use to refer to our organisation and our registered governance structure. The Robotics Australia Network relates to the organisations and individuals who contribute through becoming members or corporate sponsors.
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Our 7-point action plan

To establish Australia as a global leader in the uptake and supply of trustworthy robotics products and services by 2030.
1. Substantially increase and grow Australian-based high growth robotics companies by addressing funding gaps and supporting export development.
2. Incentivise collaboration to encourage large companies and government agencies to partner, invest in, and nurture Australian robotics companies as they scale and develop fit-for-purpose solutions.
5. Grow robotics talent base in line with Government targets by increasing university and TAFE graduates, diversifying pathways into robotics, supporting work placements and expanding community literacy of robotics.
6. Collaborate with others to address workforce challenges (skills, talent, attraction and retention).
3. Develop clusters to form the building blocks of a sustainable robotics industry by supporting collaboration, knowledge transfer and entrepreneurial culture.
4. Build better linkages with Australia's strong research base and help bridge the commercialisation gap.
7. Ensure ethical robotics solutions meet public expectations, improve Australia's well-being and are consistent with our democratic values.

Join Robotics Australia Network and make your voice count

As a member of the Robotics Australia Network, you will be helping to establish a collaborative network of robotics organisations and people, to promote the future of the robotics industry.

Joining the Robotics Australia Network allows you the benefits of collaboration and connection with likeminded businesses, along with the ability to amplify your impact as a robotics business in Australia.

Your business will receive the branding boost of being associated with the leading names in robotics, and you will have access to information and events that are not available elsewhere.
Membership options

We're developing the Robotics Roadmap for 2025  

Robotics Australia Group is calling on relevant Australian robotics industry players to contribute to our Robotics Roadmap 2025.
To find out how you can be part of this vital industry roadmap, click on the link below and help shape the robotics industry in 2025 and into the future.
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News & Events

Stay up to date with with industry news & events.

RAG submission to National Robotics Strategy
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Recruitment | careers

Helping build an industry-specific recruitment platform

Robotics Australia Group is partnering with Mirragin Consulting to help build a recruitment platform to service the robotics sector here in Australia.
If you're a skilled individual looking for new opportunities in the robotics industry, or a business looking to take on new staff, Mirragin Consulting is building a network to facilitate the recruitment process.  
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Corporate sponsors

We're supported by leading industry players.

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Global Partners.

International Alliance of Robotics Associations
International Alliance of Robotics Associations is an international robot technology cooperation and coordination organisation, initiated by robotics associations from different countries and regions.
Women in Robotics
Women in Robotics is the professional network for women who work in robotics, or women who aspire to work in robotics. We have local events and a global community. Local events include; Bay Area, Boulder, Brisbane, Bristol, Toronto, Zurich and at many robotics and AI conferences.
Urban Robotics Foundation
The Urban Robotics Foundation (URF) is a global not-for-profit organization (incorporated in 2021 in Canada), with a focus on drafting the ISO-4448 technical standard for deploying public-area mobile robots (*PMRs). Its goal is to help ensure stakeholders understand the opportunities and challenges of PMRs and to share expertise on how PMRs can contribute to improved livability in urban ecosystems.
Silicon Valley Robotics
Silicon Valley Robotics is the largest cluster of robotics and AI technology innovation and investment in the world. It is a non-profit organization started by the robotics and AI industry to support the emerging new robotics and AI industry, including agricultural, medical, social, retail, logistical, transport and space robotics networks..
Established in 2017, HowToRobot helps companies figure out their robot potential, do their business cases and find the right suppliers for their needs. Whether looking to buy, sell – or simply learn more, HowToRobot supports businesses on their automation journey.

Affiliate Partners.

AROSE (Australian Remote Operations in Space and on Earth) was established to leverage Australia’s world-leading remote operations expertise and transfer knowledge and innovation to off-Earth environments. AROSE seeks to strengthen Australia’s position as a premier remote operations provider to the international space sector while benefitting industry at home. In addition to advancing innovation, AROSE seeks to improve workforce skills and diversity and inspire new generations to pursue careers in Space. AROSE is an industry-led not-for-profit organisation supported by Western Australian Government funding, member sponsorships and project revenue. AROSE currently has 15 members with established Space and Resources capability including major mining and energy companies, universities and leading service providers.
Strategically located 35 km north of the Perth CBD in Western Australia, the 51-hectare Australian Automation and Robotics Precinct (AARP) was purpose-built for testing, research and development, and training - in autonomous, remote operations, and robotic systems and equipment. The AARP provides local, national, and global companies with a unique testing and development environment that is unparalleled in Australia, and one of the biggest facilities of its kind in the world.
SEMMA is the peak industry association representing over 200 leading manufacturing companies in Melbourne’s South East region. SEMMA provides its members with a strong, clear voice, and is able to participate in the ongoing regional and national debate regarding the critical need for an innovative and sustainable manufacturing community.
Weld Australia
Weld Australia is the peak body representing the welding industry in Australia. A not-for-profit, membership-based organisation, Weld Australia is dedicated to providing its members with a competitive advantage through access to industry, research, education, certification, government, and the wider industrial community. Weld Australia members are involved almost every facet of Australian industry, making a significant contribution to the nation’s economy. The primary goal of Weld Australia is to ensure that the Australian welding industry remains locally and globally competitive, both now and into the future. Weld Australia is the Australian representative member of the International Institute of Welding (IIW).
Strategically located 35km north of the Perth CBD in Western Australia, the 51-hectare Australian Automation and Robotics Precinct (AARP) was purpose-built for testing, research and development, and training - in autonomous, remote operations, and robotic systems and equipment. The AARP provides local, national, and global companies with a unique testing and development environment that is unparalleled in Australia, and one of the biggest facilities of its kind in the world.